Manuli Hydraulics offers a huge range of integrated hose and fitting solutions for a wide range of applications and industries. In order to ensure that all Manuli Hydraulics hose assemblies provide the same high standards of performance and reliability expected of them, we regularly review and update our published crimping data.
It is therefore our pleasure to inform you that the new Crimping Booklet (May 2023) is now available for download from our website.
This new version of the Crimping Booklet supersedes any previous versions as the key point of reference for crimping data related to all Manuli Hydraulics hoses and fittings.
In addition, SCS users can login to the SCS area on the Manuli Hydraulics website to download the updated crimping data-file for their machines.
Some of the key updates included in the new Crimping Booklet are as follows:Updated Die-Set information according to our new standardised range of dies
- Updated hose assembly instructions
- Inclusion of new ferrules M00920-06, M03450-08 and M03450-40
- Several new hydraulic hose products introduced: GAIA, Spirtex/G, Spirtex/HTG, ForeMaster/7, ForeMaster/10, ForeMaster/14, ShieldMaster/14, SafeMaster/2TE
- Inclusion of the complete Industrial Hose product range
Please ensure that you download the new Crimping Booklet at the earliest opportunity and use it for all hose assembly operations going forwards.