Manuli Hydraulics is globally renowned for the quality, performance and reliability of its hydraulic connectors. However, even the best products can still be made better and as technologies develop there is often the opportunity to further improve our products.

In order to further improve the hose crimping process all Manuli Hydraulics crimping machines will have an upgraded set of dies according to our new standardization program.


  • Improved precision of crimping in the small size range – reduced stresses due to improved deformation of the ferrule during crimping
  • Number of dies in the 10mm to 24mm range increased from 6 to 8, with 4 new sizes included
  • Simplification of the assembly process by removing the need for a -0.4mm metal-rebound tolerance

All future crimping data provided by Manuli Hydraulics will reference the standardized die sets only.

The complete bulletin can be downloaded here.